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LOL i love it. Their own state laws are coming back to bite them in the butt. Now even Canada sees this state as far overreaching. Permanent, imprisonment after serving out a sentence is a very, very real problem.

To think, if the State of Minnesota was fair, the’d have their man and they can bring him to the Justice system.

It’s about time other countries stopped cooperating with our unjust legal system. Good for them.

The US legislatures and judges are very short cited to think that there won’t be consequences to ignoring our Constitution just because they incorrectly think all sex offenders are unchangeable child molester scum.

There is a cascade effect that does irreparable harm to our people and legal system.

If our system is so unjust as to keep Canada from sending us someone to prosecute, imagine how much it affects other things as well. Family’s won’t turn in a friend or relative, and instead try to “fix” him themselves and risk more victims. The accused won’t take a plea deal because of the potential for being determined a risk and never released after serving their agreed time, costing lots of money and court time as well as exposing the victim to the horrors and lifelong impact of testifying.

Lawyers need to bookmark articles like this to demonstrate how you can’t make exceptions to standard Constitutional treatment of people without doing more harm than good.

yeah this is huge…it’s a big black eye on the us justice system and the government in general..just think a civilized society refuses to extradite an accused so called sex offender to what is supposed to be the most civilized and free society in the world…I can see this coming from a communist or third world countries but from Canada…this is a powerful decision especially if it is upheld by their supreme court…more ammo for us..

Yet, at the same time RCs with dirty water that ran under the bridge 20-30 years ago, can not visit Canada.

Intriguing article! I don’t think it’s right to harbor a fugitive, but I don’t know the details of the case. If he committed multiple offenses and he is guilty, is this the right thing to do? Now, if he just committed a few offenses and the law in this state is unjust, I concur. This article makes me wonder. Intriguing

Wasn’t someone on here a few months back opining about using the Human Rights angle against the US and its registries? That’s exactly what this seems to be, or is there some other reason I missed? Also, I’m guessing this is the one person who hopes SCOTUS doesn’t hear the MSOP case…because if there’s a chance he could get let out, Canada might ship him south!

I’ve actually visited Canada several times (expunged Battery/non child related). I had no issues until my return.